Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Window Wonerland Part II

I needed to create something eye-catching for the window of my toy shop (http://www.cheeky-monkeys.me.uk/). LEGO was the material of choice, but the subject still remained unclear. Surrounded by the best part of three decades worth of plastic bricks I decided that I should start practicing techniques.

One thing that has always impressed me with LEGO sculptures is the artist's ability to create something that appears spherical out square bricks. If I was going to complete this project, surely that would have be a technique I would need to get savvy with. So with a lot of optimism and a (very) basic idea of how pixels work I clicked together some bricks. After a few confusing moments and rebuilds I worked out a pattern. Soon I was holding something that resembled a handful of square bricks that were trying to pass themselves off as a ball. What's more, they weren't too bad at the charade. I was quietly impressed.  

As I held the 'ball' and inspiration struck. All it needed was two black dots for eyes...

Head Shot

After a few hours of experimenting with shapes and features, I ended up with what I thought looked quite a bit like a seagull's head. A local icon and image synominous with the seaside. This would be the perfect sculpture. Granted, the head I had created could easily be called 'generic' at best. Or perhaps mistaken for a baby stork but the idea was there. And surely that's what counts.

Pleased with my efforts and that I had finally found my muse, I called it a night and wondered how on earth I could build the rest of this bird.

Check back in a couple of days and I'll let you know how it goes...

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